Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Intro to the Gospel according to Dave Matthews Band

I remember as if it was yesterday. It was Friday afternoon. Classes had wrapped up for the week and I was sitting around the dorm with my two roommates and a few other friends. Amidst the celebration of making it through another week of college life one of my roommates, nicknamed Bus, pulled out a CD (yes, a Compact Disc. Remember that ancient piece of technology?).

“You guys have GOT to hear this new band” Bus announced to us all. Upon hitting the play button the sound of what I thought was a clock ticking started pulsating through the speakers. Tap.......tap…….tap…….tap. After several taps I started to wonder if Bus had gone off the deep end. What did he find so inspiring about this tapping that he wanted to share it with all of us? It sounded like a leaky faucet! Yet there he stood, eyes closed, fist raised in the air as if he was jamming on his very own snare drum 6 inches above his head, when suddenly a deluge of harmony and rhythm poured out into the room unlike anything I had heard before. The blend of crisp violin strings with the savory staccato of the saxophone grabbed hold of me and from that moment on I was forever hooked on what I soon learned was the music of the Dave Matthews Band.

Over the years, I’ve taken in as much as I possibly can of the Dave Matthews Band, or DMB. From their recorded music and live concerts to their charity work all around the world I’ve been enthralled with the depth of creativity and generosity flowing out of this small group of talented musicians. And over the years I’ve come to believe that Dave and his band are striving for more than to be extremely successful musicians, which they are. Beyond achieving musical and financial success, it seems to me that DMB is pursuing something larger than themselves, something that points beyond them and their music to the way the entire universe is meant to be, a different reality than the one we tread through day in and day out, a reality filled with compassion, forgiveness, justice, beauty, truth, peace, hope, and love.

Whenever I listen to DMB, the various aspects of this alternative reality sink into my brain, into my heart, and into my soul. Or perhaps those aspects are already there, it’s just that DMB’s music does something to awaken them inside me. And when I reflect long enough to articulate exactly what I’m feeling, I can’t help but think that the alternative reality DMB is after is the same alternative reality that Jesus lived and taught two thousand years ago.

Jesus called this alternative reality the “Kingdom of God” or the “Kingdom of Heaven” as a way to describe the present rule and reign of God. According to Jesus, the Kingdom is a reality that is here and now, and one’s inclusion in it is not determined by one’s social status or ethnicity or even good deeds. It’s like the Kingdom is a condition of one’s heart more than a geographical location.

For many who heard Jesus teach about the Kingdom, they received his message as good news because it brought about healing and liberation in their lives and, in turn, the world. In fact, one of the people who wrote about Jesus’ life (Mark) called the life and message of Jesus the “good news”, which is translated “gospel” in English. So Jesus both lived and taught the good news/gospel and his life and teachings have since become known as the good news/gospel for the world.

I was introduced to Jesus at a fairly young age and ever since then I have been fascinated with him and his teachings. I’ve always wondered that if Jesus is indeed the good news for us and the world and if his message has something to say to us all today, then shouldn’t the world be on track for becoming a better place for all to live rather than one that's worse? Shouldn’t we be experiencing more peace rather than more war? Shouldn’t there be less homelessness and starvation in the world? Shouldn’t there be less slavery today than there was a hundred years ago? Shouldn’t more and more of our environment become beautiful each and every day?

It’s these issues that get under Jesus’ skin and it’s these issues that DMB seems to care deeply about, which comes through loud and clear in both their music and their work. Perhaps they wouldn’t say it this way, but DMB seems to be fascinated with the good news of Jesus, just as I am, and perhaps you are too.

In the weeks ahead I’ll be posting my thoughts on where I see the gospel of Jesus coming through the music of DMB. This endeavor is sure to spark some intriguing conversations and I would greatly enjoy hearing what you have to say, so feel free to follow along and even leave a comment or question to push the conversation forward.  Enjoy!

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